OIL TEST INTERNATIONAL MEXICO is weaving a network of laboratories in the Mexican Republic for the determination of quality specifications for petroleum products, mainly.
Our testing laboratories and/or testing centers are in the seaports of Coatzacoalcos, Tuxpan, Manzanillo, industrial cities such as San Luis Potosí, Culiacán, Monterrey, and the border city such as Tijuana.
Our testing laboratories, in addition to maintaining suitable facilities, having equipment indicated by the different technical methods such as ASTM, API´s, among others, are managed and operate based on the requirements of standards ISO 9001:2015, and ISO/IEC 17025: 2017.
As part of our actions to ensure the reliability of periodically issued test results we participate in proficiency testing programs provided by international suppliers such as ASTM (for petroleum distillates such as Fuel Oil, Gasoline, Diesel, Naphtha) and iis – The Netherlands ( for Propane, Butane, and / or LPG petroleum gases); Likewise, we apply quality control tools such as control samples and/or duplicate tests.
As part of our commitment, in increasing confidence, impartiality, confidentiality, data traceability and technical competence, as of 2017 we started with an accreditation program for our laboratories in tests, which is carried out through evaluations. Periodicals carried out by a team of technical experts from the Mexican Accreditation Entity (ema), for which they take as a reference the requirements of the ISO/ IEC 17025:2017 standard, as well as the application criteria established by the ema. Our accreditations and certifications are available.
We have the ability to analyze the specifications for LPG in NOM-016-CRE-2016, therefore, we would attend to your required obligations with the ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION (CRE) on this matter.