OTI MEXICO celebrates 21 years providing inspection, testing and certification services Extension of Accreditation of CULIACAN LABORATORY based on ISO/IEC 17025 by ema Accreditation of PIEDRAS NEGRAS LABORATORY based on ISO/IEC 17025 by ema AGRI accreditation ISO / IEC 17020 #: UIGAFT 002 by ema Actions to improve to strengthen the value chain Enlargement of OTI MX – ISO/IEC 17020 Accreditation Accreditation 17025:2017 OTIMEXICO COATZA LAB Feedback with the client In order to strengthen the value chain to demonstrate the compliance (in time and form) of the NOM-016-CRE-2016 that establishes the The commitment of OTIMEXICO to promote the altruistic work Ampliación de acreditación 17025 del Laboratorio de Ensayos 1 2 3 Next »