New Compliance Program – Compliance Policy and Code of Ethics.
With the aim of helping good business practices throughout Oil Test International Latin America, we are announcing the start of a new compliance program in all our business units involving the following steps:
1) Design and Publishing of documents – the board of directors for Latin America has appointed an official responsible for international compliance throughout the region. The board has also issued a new compliance policy and code of ethics. These steps are intended to start the swift uptake of the new policy by employees of all levels and to ensure our values of integrity, probity and fair marketing are upheld.
2) Training and Implementation; From now on whenever a new employee is hired for whatever purpose (or whatever length of contract) they will be taught the compliance policy; they will be obliged to report (as if reporting to the external auditing authority) any breach or abuse of the code no matter what the circumstances, conflict of interest or sanctions prescribed(including dismissal). From January 2005 the code will become core material in the internal training program so that at least once a year employees will have a refresher course in it, their attendance and assent being noted in their personnel records.
3) Auditing of Compliance; From 2005 compliance with the code will be an additional check carried out in all internal audits. All relevant aspects of provided services will by checked for compliance to ensure no breaches of the code are occurring, and any breaches found will be reported, investigated and corrected.
4) The email address has been created to receive any complaints or reports of breaches of the code of compliance by clients, employees or anyone connection in with a service provided by OIL TEST INTERNATIONAL anywhere in LATIN AMERICA.