Accreditation 17025:2017 OTIMEXICO COATZA LAB

We are happy to start the 20’s; with passion and pride “jarocho” we started the year 2020 with the extension of accreditation 17025:2017 OTIMEXICO COATZA LAB, with tests that, among others, are also those set out in the NOM-016-CRE-2016 “Quality Specifications of Petroleum Products.”; which means being prepared to meet regulatory authorities’ requirements such as CRE in the domestic market, particularly for dealers who store, distribute, transport, and/or sell to the public.

Our accreditation range includes more than 19 technicians to sample oil products based on standards.:

Our accredited scope includes all methods for Gases such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas.

As well as for distilled products such as gasoline, Naphta, Diesel and Gasoline.:

  1. For more details, refer to the technical scope of the accreditation. #: Q-1138-181/19 in our website: , or directly on the web page /acreditations / Testing labs/ Chemicals.

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